Wednesday, July 1, 2020

International Joke Day (July 1)

Because, he wants to be at one with!
The Dalai Lama went into a pizza joint and stared at the long menu. The waiter asked, "What can I do for you?" The Dalai Lama replied, "Make me one with everything." (Insert laugh track.)

So begins another International Joke Day on July 1. Where would any of us be without jokes and laughter to brighten our lives? They can help any situation. This July 1st all are invited to take time out of the day to recognize the important job humor plays in keeping stress at bay, building relationships, and bringing levity to a world that badly needs it.

(Stuart Petty Media) If this guy can do it...memorize and try 61 clean jokes.

Be sure not to confuse the purpose of International Joke Day with April Fools’ Day. The two couldn’t be further apart. July 1st is all about getting a grin out of a best friend, sharing a laugh on social media, and appreciating the stand up comics who have left us in stitches for decades.

Speaking of stitches, that reminds me: I asked the doctor the other day if I’d be able to play the piano once I got my stitches removed. “Yes,” he told me, “I mean, why not?” “Well,” I replied, “it's just that I wasn’t able to before.”

Dads do it! (Do not try this at home)

International Joke Day Activities
Send a funny emoji to make a smile.
1. Support live comedy: One of the best ways to celebrate International Joke Day is to head out to a comedy club in the area, support the club and its comedians, and get a hearty dose of laughter while there. Perhaps it’s a small, local club with up-and-coming comics, or an establishment that attracts top talent. Either way, support means we’ll have a steady stream of one-liners rolling out for years.

2. Learn a joke: Telling a good joke is a lot harder than memorizing a few words. It takes timing, reading the audience, delivery, articulation, and experience. So why not take this lockdown holiday as an opportunity to learn -- and practice -- telling a joke? Consider the context in which to use it, practice the delivery, and test it out on friends. If it floats, there’s a joke to put in the back pocket to pull out at any awkward dinner party.

3. Take a break from the news: In today’s 24-hour news cycle, it’s sometimes overwhelming to try to keep up. For one day, like July 1st, perhaps try avoiding the news and instead read humor pieces in any of the country’s leading newspapers. Or of course find the internet’s best comedy on sites like Reddit, Buzzfeed, The Onion, or any of the many sources. Who knows what could be accomplished if we all share a good, sidesplitting laugh even if just for a day. More

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