Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Cop confesses: police racism (video)

Mike MacRae, J. Dore (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Right-leaning Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn (voiced by Mike MacRae) discusses the anti-Officer Chauvin/pro-George Floyd protests. And a cop [actually former American Neo-Nazi Christian Picciolini] reveals that white supremacists were sent out to join paramilitary police forces and the military secretly to get training and to find comradery and racist recruitment opportunities. Jimmy Dore refers to former Officer Michael A. Woods Jr. from Baltimore who, considering himself a "good guy," got caught up in corrupt and criminal "cop culture."

Ask a cop: Are police racist?

Police mentality and what to do about it
Retired Police Sergeant Michael A. Wood Jr. was interviewed by Jimmy Dore on The Jimmy Dore Show, June 20, 2016. Sergeant Wood is a United States Marine Corp veteran and a retired Baltimore police officer. He advocates for gun policy reforms.

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