Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to Meditate: Step-by-Step Guide

Katherine Hurst (; Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How to Meditate: A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide to Meditation
I want meditation to be like surfing. Can it be?
Meditation offers remarkable benefits, especially for those already using The Law of Attraction (LOA). From becoming more in tune with our thoughts to improving overall well-being, meditation has something to offer everyone.

Om (aum), Sanskrit
If someone is a complete meditation beginner, we may be wondering how to get started. Learning to meditate isn’t as complex as one might think. If we want to experience the positives that the practice can bring, then here is a beginner’s guide to meditation.

Meditation Guide: A Brief History of Meditation
Although meditation is enormously popular, most may not have heard much about its origins. The word has its roots in the Latin term meditatum, which translates as “ponder” or revolve in mind, actively contemplate. But who first suggested the practice, and how did it evolve?

Ancient History of Meditation
There is the ultimate, the gone beyond: nirvana
There is compelling evidence suggesting that hunter-gatherer cultures involved meditation. The earliest proper records we have of meditative practices indicates that the history of meditation begins around 1500 BCE.

In its earliest forms, it appears to have been part of the early Vedic tradition in Bharat (proto-India). Over a thousand years later, it became part of Buddhist practices in India, Central Asia, and China, home of Taoism.

Interest in meditation was later cultivated in Western society, first by Philo of Alexandria and later by Saint Augustine.

To fully grasp the history of meditation, it’s important to note the split that appeared in the Eastern traditions of the Vedas (Brahmanism now Hinduism) and Buddhist meditation, respectively.

While Hindus believed that meditation could be used to essentially commune with GOD (Brahman) or be reborn with God (Brahma), the Buddhist perspective held that we could use the practice to break the cycle of rebirth and awaken (gain enlightenment) and better understand the interconnectedness between all things.

It is this non-religious reading of meditation that is most commonly adhered to today... More

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