Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Getting high with Hitler: 4:20 (video)

Ananda (DB Meditation), Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Daily Beast; Laugh Factory; Deftones
Eating vegan gluten-free gummy bears to make my kitten hungry and jealous. Ha ha, Kitler.
"Kitler" needs a good home. (Matthew Power/ Daily Beast)
The führer's furor troubled teen Adolf
April 20th or "4/20" is Hitler's birthday (1889) and code for cannabis, a reference to getting lit or high or intoxicated. So buzzed on the devil's cabbage, if your cat has a kitten today like our cat once did, naturally you name it Hitler. Natch. Being born with a little mustache is not the only reason for christening a cat Adolf.

Sativa is not a sedative, even though it sounds like it. Indica is "in da couch," a waste case of relaxation, explains KLOS DJ Johnny Ice.

No one will adopt Hitler cat
The real feline Führer, Kitler's brother, Whitey
Maybe they would have better luck adopting this cat out if they called it "Killer" and stopped calling it "Kitler." Staff members at a British animal shelter say no one will adopt a six-week-old kitten because of a black mark under its nose resembling Hitler's mustache. They've named the kitten, which was abandoned at the roadside, "Kitler." ''We 'rehome' 5,500 animals every year, but we cannot find a loving owner for Kitler," said a spokeswoman for the shelter. "We think her unusual markings are putting people off." More

Science finds why some cats look like Hitler. This would also explain hearts on cow fur.

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