Friday, June 3, 2016

How to deal with breakups (Taylor Swift)

Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; (MTV News)
Peter Griffin, while searching for GOD, finds pop star Taylor Swift instead ("Family Guy")
(Laina) Over attached girlfriend gives advice to all who are victims of an unwanted breakup.

Calvin Harris reveals ‘truth’ about breakup
Then Taylor Swift signs on to his PR message
Tadolf Swiftler (MorphThing)
A day after news of Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris’s split was first reported, Harris took to Twitter to confirm the news and to shoot down rumors about what caused their breakup.
“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect,” the DJ wrote, with Swift backing him up by retweeting him from her account.


Me CLINGY, what?
Although he doesn’t mention any specific rumors, Harris’s tweet seems to take aim at the nasty gossip about their breakup, with headlines claiming he was “intimidated” by her success and that he had been “bored for a while” with her.
Other than her supportive retweet, Swift hasn’t yet commented on the breakup. But we’re sure she’s too busy dancing, to get knocked off her feet. More
Why does Stormfront love Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift?
Taylor Swift, cover girl (
"Nazi Barbie"? Stormfront is a racist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi organization that loves alleged Nordic alien hybrid beauty queen Tadolf Swiftler aka Taylor Swift, according to KROQ FM DJ, actor, and social commentator Ralph Garman, the Kevin & Bean Show's newsman, resident voice artist (who also works on "Family Guy" with creator Seth Macfarlane), and angry comedian. Garman claims to be the one who coined the name "Tadolf Switler" combining the German Fuhrer and the American country music pop star and chronic relationship ruiner. (We're pretty sure it was and those cute quote memes).
Stormfront: dating for white supremacists
Feliks Garcia (Daily Dot)
If I ver not already committed to Eva, I swear...
Dating is hard. It takes a lot to put yourself out there and make yourself vulnerable, and you need positive vibes to attract a potential life-long partner. But what if you’re a white supremacist?

Believe it or not, it’s actually pretty difficult to find a suitable mate with pure Aryan blood -- if that’s the kind of thing you’re into. Thankfully for members of the self-appointed superior race, Stormfront offers a dating advice forum for the White Nationalist looking to score on the singles' scene. 

It’s all your normal dating woes, placed over the backdrop of extreme racism.
Dear Evy, how can I find a nice Nazi frau?
Established in 1995, Stormfront is the first White Nationalist Web community, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which lists it as an official hate group. Established by former Alabama klansman Don Black... More
Dumping Taylor? Join the club, Calvin

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