Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Quake hits as mayor promises change (live)

Mayor Eric Garcetti, Channel 5, L.A.;; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

A large 5.5 earthquake (originally reported as 5.1 then 5.7) hit just as L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti was at a poetry slam, speaking of peace, love, unity, and reducing the LAPD budget, praising Minneapolis for charging the other three killer-cops for aiding and abetting the ringleader, murderer Officer Derek Chauvin. Now the foursome are being charged with murder in the second degree and voluntary manslaughter and facing 40 years in prison. We are still holding our breath, along with the family of victim George Floyd, for murder in the first degree charges and convictions.

Let's see some serious convictions or it's war.
Of course, they could charge them for conspiracy, civil rights violations, murder, manslaughter, police brutality, excessive force, dereliction of duty, felony under color of uniform, jaywalking, and lying on an official police report for attempting to cover it all up, lying to investigators, perjury, assault with a deadly weapon, and refile charges in 17 past cases for Officer Chauvin and six past complaints for his partner and partner-in-crime Officer Tou Thao.

Our mayor only recites poems for speeches.
BUT just try to get a single conviction when neither the district attorney, governor, nor police chief really want to police or punish their own. Does young Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey have any power to do anything to get a fair trial and actual convictions, or are his hands tied by the police union contract that all but ensures these sorts of abuses will go unpunished and, if punished, overturned on appeal?
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