Sunday, February 7, 2021

U.S. nun finds inner stability in Burma (Apple Podcasts, 2/6/21); Sayalay Aloka, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Finding inner stability in troubling time‪s‬

“The Dhamma is so central to this culture, [yet] not understood by the people who write about this place [Burma] in the media from overseas. So all those sorts of things get reported from a vacuum of understanding about how incredibly important it is, for this whole culture.”

So says American Buddhist nun Daw Viranani, who's based in Chan Myay Myaing Buddhist Monastery in northern Rangoon (Yangon).

Very young novice nuns in masks go on almsround in Burma to eat (
Insight Myanmar was able to talk with her just before a nationwide internet blackout hit the country, called for by the new dictator Min Aung Hlaing.

Since the military coup d'etat on Feb. 1st of this year, Burma/Myanmar has been one of the trending topics and major stories across news networks and social media. Yet, as Daw Viranani points out, the core Buddhist practice animating much of the country’s spiritual life is barely mentioned in foreign reporting, let alone understood.

Maybe life's better under the Thai military coup?
This interview addresses the current situation but avoids the usual angles of analyzing politics, history, or biographies of the major political players.

Instead, Daw Viranani brings a Buddhist perspective to bear on the current events.

She shares the Buddhist spiritual teachings that resonate with her in this difficult moment. She talks about the power of practicing mettā-bhavana, or "loving kindness meditation," and radiating these good wishes to all beings -- even those we have difficult feelings towards.
The mission at Insight Myanmar Podcast: While it usually takes several weeks at a minimum to produce an episode, the current moment demands a faster turnaround. IM managed to release this episode after just 36 hours. However, this can be challenging for a primarily volunteer-run organization, especially one with limited funds. To continue bringing interviews on this topic with Buddhist practitioners, teachers, and scholars, IM needs support to do so. To support its mission, contributions are welcomed. Give by searching “Insight Myanmar” on PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Go Fund Me, and Patreon, as well as via credit card at its website.

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