Monday, June 7, 2021

How did we begin? An evolving creation (video)

Human creation story they DON'T want us to know: Anunnaki space beings/gods
(Universe Inside You, Feb. 1, 2021) Custodians of ancient knowledge have long known that the mystery of humanity’s origins is far more complicated than widely accepted notions of theoretical "natural" evolution.

They tell us that the sky-gods (akasha-devas) of Eden, the Annunaki, planned a destiny for us, the semi-divine (semi-Annunaki) humanoid Earthlings that is still being played out as evidenced by our ongoing obsession with gold.

Evidence of this can be discerned from ancient temples, which once stood as places for elite humans (royals) to commune with these extraterrestrial "gods" and bring them the gold that we, their duped servants, mined for them.

Once we come to terms with this and realize that we are not alone in the galaxy, then we can rise up and take our place among the many groups that occupy the celestial realms.

Topic: The Agganna Sutta on knowledge of beginnings (
Dhamma Aboard Evolution: Science and Sutra
This story of creation parallels the story (the Agganna Sutra) the Buddha told of how human life came about on planet earth. It did not evolve from ooze here. It may have evolved from ooze somewhere, but it arrived on earth pre-evolved, in a loftier state than we have now, because we've been declining ever since. We evolve, but it's cyclical. We devolve, too. It's a circle. And Däiniken in this video asks, Where does a circle begin?

Think about it. A circle begins outside the circle. There's no way to understand its origin from within. Any point is a beginning point, and we can trace it back to that point -- and keep going. Outside the circle is the satisfactory explanation we can never find at the level of the circle. But we keep on trying, so we get Darwin's theory of evolution.

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