Thursday, July 1, 2021

In the footsteps of Ajahn Mun (video)

Brother on the Path (Live from Thailand); Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(Brother on the Path, March 1st, 2021) In Ajahn Mun's footsteps. Here are a few temples that the great arahant (fully enlightened) Luong Por Ajahn Mun was known to frequent in Northern Thailand.

Founder of the Thai Forest Tradition
The Great Ajahn Mun, Thailand
Ajahn Mun's mode of practice was solitary and strict. He found the Thai Forest Tradition and followed the Monastic Disciplinary Code (Vinaya) faithfully and also observed many of the 13 Sane Ascetic Practices (Pali dhutanga, Thai thudong), such as living on alms food, wearing robes made of discarded rags, dwelling in the forest, and eating only one meal a day. Seeking secluded places in the wilds of Thailand and Laos, he avoided the responsibilities of settled monastic temple life and spent many of the hours of the day and night in sitting and walking meditation. In spite of his reclusive nature, he attracted a large following of students willing to put up with the hardships of forest life to study with him. More

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