Thursday, June 10, 2021

Tara Brach's new book Trusting the Gold (video) (Trusting the Gold); BuddhaFest Co-Founder Eric Forbis edited by Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation, Los Angeles), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Tara Brach leads "Tend and Befriend" on June 7, 2021, a guided visualization meditation practice.

As north Americans we receive many messages from our culture meant to divide us from one another or turn us against ourselves.

But when we stop judging, stop avoiding, stop trying to resist what makes us afraid or ashamed, we open to our real nature — a boundless field of awareness that is innately loving and fearless.

This recognition of our essential human goodness may be the most radical act of healing we can take. 

“The gold of our true nature can never be tarnished,” says American Buddhist teacher Tara Brach. “In the moments of remembering and trusting this basic goodness of our Being, we open to happiness, peace, and freedom.”

Trusting the Gold (
Tara Brach has a new book called Trusting the Gold: Uncover Your Natural Goodness. In it she draws from more than four decades of experience as a meditation teacher and psychologist to share her most valuable practices for reconnecting with the beauty of our humanity — from timeless Buddhist wisdom to techniques adapted to the specific challenges of our modern age.

Readers explore three pathways of remembering and living in full aliveness:
  • Opening to the Truth of the present moment
  • Turning toward Love in any situation
  • Resting in the Freedom of our natural, radiant awareness
Trusting the Gold hit bookstores on June 1st. Pre-orderers received two free gifts [as opposed to the gifts one has to pay for by, say, buying something]: a downloadable excerpt of the illustrated book AND an audio clip of Tara Brach reading from the audiobook.

These free gifts were available with advance orders, which are helpful to authors. If learning to trust is inspiring, read this book.

We're thankful that Tara Brach gave a talk at BuddhaFest's last Mindfulness and Compassion Global Summit called "Evolving Compassion in Times of Crisis."

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