Friday, August 13, 2021

Ancient advanced medical knowledge, India

Praveen Mohan (YouTube); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Evidence of ancient medical technology: Are we products of genetic engineering and DNA manipulation?
(Praveen Mohan, Aug. 11, 2021) Today let's look at some radical, groundbreaking pieces of evidence about ancient India and its highly advanced technology.
  • 0:00 - Sperm, Ovum, Cell Division
  • 3:40 - Fetus
  • 6:04 - Pregnancy Stages and Ultrasound
  • 7:43 - Anatomy and Mammogram
  • 10:10 - Implanting Embryo and C-Section
  • 14:06 - Test Tube Babies
  • 17:32 - Artificial Womb
  • 19:00 - Ancient Womb Kumbh
  • 22:42 - Studying Animal and Human Behavior
  • 27:05 - Advanced Knowledge of Reproduction
  • 32:19 - Neonatology - Cardio Pump
  • 33:47 - "Barbaric and Superstitious" Practices
  • 37:28 - Cord Blood and Stem Cell Technology
  • 40:07 - Cloning
  • 42:04 - DNA manipulation
  • 44:39 - Nanotechnology
  • 46:36 - Centrifuge Device
  • 48:02 - Conclusion
Here is a carving found in an ancient temple. It shows something mindboggling -- a sperm approaching an ovum just prior to fertilization. This sounds nonsensical because the human fertilization process was only discovered in the 19th century. This ancient Indian temple built more than 1,000 years ago.

Rahu statue in Buddhist Thailand (wiki)
How could they have carved a sperm and ovum looking like this without a microscope? Of course, some will argue that this is something else, like a snake eating an egg. Others will argue that this is Rahu from Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, who is known for eating the sun and moon, the cause of eclipses.

That's quite an interesting story from ancient Hindu texts, except that this explanation conveniently avoids mentioning that Rahu is only half snake (naga, reptilian). His entire upper torso is always shown as human-like with full facial features.

Here is another carving from another ancient temple. Again, this is clearly sperm fertilizing an ovum. This is how it originally looked until the last five years, when the temple decided to paint it. It looks like this now; I like the older look. One detail is that we can see that the sperm is smaller, the ovum larger. If this were a snake, there is no way it could swallow this.

If we look at actual videos of snakes eating eggs, we will not consider this a possibility. This is not a snake; it doesn’t have a head or scales. If we look at Hindu temple carvings, we see details carved perfectly. They carve scales, they carve tongues, they even carve rows of teeth inside their mouths, which most of us today don’t know.

If this is in fact sperm and ovum and ancient India was far ahead in advanced technology, shouldn’t they have documented what happens after fertilization?

In another ancient temple, we can see something even stranger -- a single cell. It is unmistakable. It is circular, like an egg cell with a round nucleus at the center. What happens when a sperm unites with an egg cell? A new life called a zygote is formed, and it starts to divide rapidly.

First the fertilized egg starts to split into two cells. This is clearly shown in the same temple. Then it splits into four cells. Again, this cell division is clearly shown alongside in the same temple as though  we are being given a step-by-step pictorial explanation of the process.

Then the cells start to become a blob that slowly begins to look like a human after eight weeks. This is a fetus. Thus far many must wonder, Is this true? If it is then there should be carvings of fetuses inside the womb, right?

In a temple called Kundadam Bhairavar, there are carvings showing a fetus in the fetal position with umbilical cord attached, just as we are able to see with advanced technology now. 

There are other carvings showing stylized forms of the human fetus as well. I have personally visited this temple to film this. However, photography has now been banned. But I have verified them with my own eyes and can confirm that these carvings exist. The pictures I am using are from the Internet.

This is not the only temple that shows a fetus. In an ancient temple in the village of Sirukarumbur, there is a weird carving. It shows a fetus inside the womb in the fetal position. Carvings of fetuses are found in several ancient temples, but this carving includes some spectacular details.

It was originally said to be in the main chamber of the temple. It has a hole on top, where a specific concoction is poured inside in a ritual, as though nourishing the fetus.

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