Monday, November 1, 2021

Mind Mirror for expanded consciousness states

Judith Pennington (; Kelly Ani and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Expanded Consciousness for light body formation, ascension, physical change (

Mind Mirror Reveals Expanded Consciousness States at Monroe Institute Program
(Monroe Institute) In her presentation, "Mind Mirror: Journey to Happiness," Judith Pennington discusses the brainwave map of consciousness associated with Awakened Mind meditation training on the Mind Mirror EEG.

Physics of Expanded Consciousness (Alpha Lo)
She leads practitioners through the self-discovery meditation used for opening baseline measurements taken at The Monroe Institute ( during two Discovery programs in 2017.

Pennington shares the extraordinary Mind Mirror patterns produced by program participants listening to HemiSync® and SAM exercises.

See why the collaboration between TMI and the Mind Mirror is helping participants and contributing exciting discoveries to the field of consciousness research.

ABOUT: Mind researcher Judith Pennington is a world authority on EEG and the Awakened Mind, co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, and founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, an international consortium of Mind Mirror practitioners dedicated to personal and planetary transformation. A writer, publisher, and the author of two award-winning books, she teaches the science of spirituality and instrument-led meditation around the world. In the US, she has taught at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., Esalen Institute, and the Omega Institute. She is known for her ease in communicating complex ideas and for her musical ability to usher people into transcendent states of awareness.

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