Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Discovery in Africa's Sahara Desert (video)

Tech Space, Feb. 24, 2022; Crystal Q., CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Scientists' discovery in Africa's Sahara Desert
This is a map of the continent of Africa. If we look to the south, we see lush vegetation and lots of greenery. However, when we look north, things are different.

The ancient wisdom of Africa
Covering multiple countries, it is the world's most gigantic desert, with miles of dune formations. Altogether, the Sahara covers 9,000,000 square kilometers, meaning it would swallow 18 Spains.

However, who knew that this vast stretch of sterile sand covering a third of the continent used to be covered by lush vegetation? That was thousands of years ago. What happened to the Sahara? What's happening to it now?

This video looks at a few odd discoveries scientists have made under the Sahara Desert.

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