Saturday, March 5, 2022

Late Night with Seth Meyers' centrism (TV)

Reps "befuddled by a pres who’s likable"
Good gosh, Seth Meyers is funny but what an Establishment tool. What the h has happened? It's like the Right is right about mainstream media bias. We live in bubbles, only hearing our own side, only tuning in to our own stations. Branch out. Parochialism is a dangerous thing.

In the beginning, the Buddha made a rule that all monastics (monks and nuns) be wandering ascetics, leaving where they were born and grew up, not staying at any one place for long. The purpose of this was to see that groups see things differently. There's isn't just one right way. Things aren't only done in one way.

We've lost a Left. All we have presented to us is a "nominal left" (in name only) presented to us as the mainstream which cannot be argued with or we'll be cancelled. It has split the country. We didn't like it when conservatives ruled. How is anyone going to like liberals behaving the way they did?

Joe warns Vlad "has no idea what's coming," Greene and Boebert Heckle SOTU
(Late Night with Seth Meyers, 3/2/22) Seth Meyers takes a closer look at President Biden using his first State of the Union address to condemn President Putin's incursion into Ukraine and warn him that he has no idea what the U.S. and its allies will do next.

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