Friday, March 11, 2022

Prophecy: Russia to march on Europe (priest)

Fr. Mark Goring, CC; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly

PROPHECY: Russia will march on ALL of Europe - Father Mark Goring, CC
(Fr. Mark Goring, March 2, 2022) Click link below to receive Father Mark's daily videos by email Fr. Mark Goring’s books are available on Amazon: Hold My Beer: An Apocalypse, St. Joseph the Protector: A Nine-Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph, In His Zone: 7 Principles for Thriving in Solitude.

"War is peace," Comrade. "Anti-Sex League"
Pro-War Christians? Oh, yes. Like the ex-liberals who now side with the Right that more war is better (for the economy, the CIA, the weapons industry, Israel, and American corporations), lots of otherwise good Catholics and Christians of other stripes side with the propagandists in our mainstream media.

War is good. War is necessary. War is profitable. What's wrong with a little profit in a capitalist economy, Man? Get with the times, Comrade. War is in.

Chris Hedges: US Fascists
How many Buddhists side with Ukraine to such an extent that they're ready to back a US-led attack on Russia? "USA, USA, USA!" what a sweet chant for the daily Two-Minutes Hate. Many Americans somehow believe we were "helping" Afghanistan. Most Americans have no idea how many wars the USA is currently involved in right now thanks to Republicans (Bush, Bush, and Cheney) and Democrats like Clinton(s), Obama, and Biden:
  • Ukraine (Maidan Coup and secret funding)
  • Russia (by proxy through NATO)
  • Syria (occupied)
  • Afghanistan (we didn't leave completely)
  • (Africa:)
  • Libya
  • Yemen
  • Somalia
  • Israel (which is in North Africa on clear maps)
  • Palestine (Occupied Israel)
  • All our tentacles in geopolitical "Middle East"
  • ...

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