Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What happened in Ukraine today? (cartoon)

The Simpsons; Closhure; NPR via SCPR, 3/8/22; CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
How The Simpsons predicted a war between Russia and Ukraine
(Closhure, Feb. 24, 2022) The Simpsons may have predicted the Russia-Ukraine crisis back in 1998. Why? "What The Simpsons think today, the world thinks tomorrow."

We do predictive programming and chance, too,
The show seems to have predicted it in 1998 in an episode that predicted the return of the Soviet Union (USSR) and the emergence of the US' Cold War once again.

A clip from the very popular series is being widely shared on social media shows how the West attempts to find a solution to stop an "all-out war."

The clip is from the episode "Simpsons Tide," which aired in March 1998, when President Boris Yeltsin led the Russian Federation. The episode shows Homer Simpson joining the US Navy then getting into a shooting match with a Russian submarine.

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