Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Mass meditate in South Central...or dance?

J. Balvin, Skrillex; Ananda, Jen (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly

Would Ellie Goulding take Skrillex out onto the hard West Coast streets of the LBC, Compton, Leimert Village, Inglewood, or other predominantly Hispanic, Latino, Black neighborhood (Spanish barrio, English ghetto) to a mass meditation for peace and spiritual uplift in this time of war?

15-minute Mass Meditation for Ascension and Timeline Shifting
(Aaron Doughty, 4/4/20) This marks an extremely important time. It is important that we all team up together to shift ourselves to the most optimal timeline. More

As the USA attacks Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, Haiti, China by proxy (Tibet), Russia by proxy (Ukraine), and other sovereign countries...we can mass meditate through it. It's good to protest, it's good to dissent, it's good to be engaged (in politics, social justice, and equality and pro-environmental movements). But it is better to meditate. And better yet to do both, never sacrificing one for the other. Guide yourself by this punk maxim: "Fight Wars Not War."

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