Sunday, June 12, 2022

Enlightened Dharma talk in LA: Sayadaw A.

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Jen B., CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Manual of Light /Path to Higher Knowledge
Long ago the Buddha was asked, Why is it that some people are bright (smart) and some dull (dumb)? He gave a surprising answer, not one to be taken as complete or exhaustive but as very instructive.

The answer he gave was that, "In the past, when there was a wise person to ask, one individual asked questions, whereas another did not. One asked, 'What is good and to be pursued, what notgood and to be left unpursued...?'"

In this way, over time, that individual pursued what was good to pursue, left unpursued what was good to leave unpursued, and therefore became wise, smart, bright.

Today as the great Sayadaw Agganna from the legendary Pa Auk Forest Monastery came to the San Gabriel Valley to a meditation center. He visited to give free talk open to everyone, detailing the benefits of meditation, taking questions on life, the universe, and everything. before leading a 10-day retreat in Big Bear.

Then one Westerner saw a chance to ask something. His arm wavered, but I encouraged him to ask it. "Seize the chance," and he did. As much distraction as was going on right at that moment of dissolution near the front due to some big distraction, he asked.

And his question was most useful, referring back to a book title mentioned at the beginning and asking for any titles good for teachers trying to teach others to concentrate or develop wisdom. The title of the book that had been mentioned was this:

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