Thursday, July 7, 2022

Fairies (devas)? How to handle the Fae

Diana Logan, Exemplore, June 7,  '22; Pat Macpherson, Ananda (DBM) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Woman gives solid tips for how to handle fairies if you come across them
We take human form, too, from past lives
Next time you're in the forest, heed these warnings. For most people, “fairies” (called woodland devas in Buddhism) are not cute, winged sprites from Disney cartoons. Rather, they are terrifying, otherworldly creatures who do not play by mortal human rules. In order to keep yourself safe from non-human entities when you’re out in the wilderness, follow these simple tips:
In the video, Fairy Tarot Goddess (FTG) states the following rules:
  1. First, if it starts to get dark, don’t whistle.
  2. Next, if you hear a sound you can’t identify, pretend you didn’t.
  3. Similarly, if you think you hear someone calling your name, definitely act like you didn’t.
  4. Now get out of there as soon as possible!
  5. Finally, don’t leave your trash in the woods. The Fae do not like it, nor does anyone else.
TIPS: How to fend off ghosts
This sounds like pretty solid advice to remember on one hand. For people wishing to avoid unexpected encounters, as well as those wanting to be good stewards of wild places, take the advice.

In the comments section, some ask FTG what to do if they want to attract fairies. Most agree that attracting fairies is definitely the wrong approach.

After all, you have no idea what they will want or even demand from you. Read “Rip Van Winkle.” [And don't step into fairy rings to dance even if invited; you'll be there for weeks!]

FTG also clarifies that she’s using the word “fairies” as an umbrella term encompassing all non-human entities who may be roaming in the wilderness and what they can do to punish you: Fae, skinwalker, genie, shadow creature, Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Dogman, wolf person, or other thing that might want to know why you're invading their space. Source

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