Saturday, September 3, 2022

Law of Vibration with Bob Proctor (video)

The SecretThe Law of VIBRATION | Bob Proctor | Law of Attraction Coaching
(Law of Attraction Coaching) 👈 Click the link to sign up for a 30-Day Law of Attraction Coaching Course. Bob Proctor explains the less well-known Law of Vibration and how it is directly tied to the widely misunderstood Law of Attraction.

The farm isn't going well. I just want to be rich, Bob. How do I do it?

Whatever vibration we are in is what we are attracting into our lives. Want different results in life? Then we have to change our vibration. How do we do that? Let the Proctor give a brief overview. Somone loved this video so much that s/he had to share it. Attraction and vibration are real and "laws" (natural orders or impersonal mechanisms) in life. We can learn and use these laws to our advantage or deny they exist and float through life with little to no control.

What do we really want? Do we know? Have we let all the big dreams we had as kids slip away? Why? What if there is a way to still achieve those dreams in life? Sounds too good to be true, right? "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is." Is this saying always true? It is most of the time, but not all. This IS real. After being introduced to Bob Proctor’s works, one can no longer go through life and say we never had a chance at something better.

I can say this because I took the chance even though I had failed so many times at so many different courses and businesses. There is no “probably” with Proctor. He is the best I have ever seen or been around. He is real and cares about us. Watch this video a few times and really take in what he is sharing. Please note that this is Bob Proctor's video and I claim no right to it whatsoever. I am merely sharing it for other's enjoyment and benefit.

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