Monday, October 3, 2022

I died to find out Earth is just a school (NDE)

Dorothy Shelton, Jane Thompson;, 9/16/22. Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Woman dies, learns powerful lessons about our (soul's) purpose, healing, and oneness | Inspiring NDE
(Dorothy Shelton) This is the near-death experience (NDE) of Jane Thompson ( During her out-of-body experience, while she was on the "other side" of this life, she learned many lessons about oneness, healing, our purpose, and ultimately how to live a fuller life. She also learned that death is nothing to fear but only the next step in our evolution as (undying continuations or what we common call "souls."

There is a path to liberation from samsara.
[EDITORIAL NOTE: Ultimately, we are not immortal or permanent "souls" (attas) in any way, but conventionally speaking, because there is continuation after death and death is not the end, this is how many religions interpret reality. Our experience as living beings is all about passing away as impermanent, unsatisfactory, and impersonal mental and physical phenomena, "beings" who are in fact constantly becoming. This impersonal nature of reality is a unique teaching of supreme buddhas, fully awakened teachers. The historical Buddha Gautama (the Sage of the Scythians) explained this liberating-truth in terms of Dependent Origination.]

ABOUT; Jane Thompson had a profound near-death experience in 2008. Leaving her body, entering the light, and being in spirit [sublte material] form dramatically changed her life. Her focus is now on helping others who are seeking peace, healing, and a larger perspective. She serves worldwide as an intuitive healer, spiritual gifts coach, and international speaker. Website:

DISCLAIMER: This video is from an interview with Jane Thompson by Dorothy Shelton, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.

★☆★ RECOMMENDED ★☆★ 1) The books of Wayne Dyer 2) Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani 3) Angels in My Hair by Lorna Byrne 4) Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz 5) A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle 6) All books by Dolores Cannon.

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