Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Trump gets @$$ handed to him in court

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I'll bounce back. I always do. It's my NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and con man BS.

Don: "I'm the law-and-order candidate."
We are sick and blooming tired of Trump coverage. Arrest him. Jail him. Imprison him already. (Jail is not the same as prison). Of course, he's guilty of many crimes, even if he is a "savior" figure for half the nation.

That half can't deny he's a pathological liar, a con-man, rapist, daughter-molester, oafish cretin, and embarrassing buffoon. We know, he's God's gift to Washington, DC. See how well he "drained the Swamp"?

Is he? It'll be civil war for gun nuts if he is.
What's good about DJ? We like the way he speaks off the cuff and admits American crimes, like spying and invading countries for their oil.

But The Swamp won't have it. That backwater of lawyers living outside the country (because DC is not officially part of the US) is now doing something about him.

I will be dictator, so help me Gob.
We have no hope these charges will stick to the Teflon Don John. Inciting to riot was not added for his crimes on January 6th.

The mainstream media lies about him, makes conspiracies, really actually fakes and/or slants news stories against him, and still he's an all-around crook and no representative of this country. It's thanks to him we were spared a Hillary. But stil it's due to him we suffer under senile Biden.

(Jimmy Dore) Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, and others see a sham of another new indictment.
C'mon, Joe, you gotta help me. We're buddies. You know I was just kidding about

Aah, an opening arrives for the Kennedy elite to rise again in American politics and not get shot

Not the p*ssy, don't grab me by the p*ssy! I was just kidding. I'll come voluntarily!

Men in Black, Men in Black! It wasn't just a movie. Who took my wallet. Give it back!

You grab 'em like this, Billy, right by the p*ssy! - Shucks, Donny, you have all the moves.

And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those darn kids at Zuccotti Park.
Hey, guys, c'mon. I run this town. I can put you all at a comfy desk in the precinct.
No, don't touch me there. It hurts. Don't "grab," you fascist idiot. I'm not guilty!
This is b*llsh*t. I don't belong here. I belong in the White House winning like Charlie Sheen!
You stupid idiot. You're the cause of this. - I'm sorry, Donald, I'm so sorry. Pay me and I'll go.

I want Rudy "The Jewel" Guiliani in here with me. That's all I want...and cheese sandwiches.
Everything I did to help the plandemic, they made me do. They made me hire Fauci.

This biznatch? She won't be the cause of my downfall any more than my sexy daughter will.
STFU, Donald! I'm trying to sleep. And, good god, what are you eating, you constipated POS?
No, this is not happening because it can't be happening. You think it's happening, but it's not.
This ballsack here, his name's E-lon, he wants advice on how to behave like a billionaire.
Could you believe this witch hunt? I never did nothing. I didn't jail Hillary like I said I would.

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