Friday, October 6, 2023

Develop and practice Reiki skills (10/18)

Kerri Draper, Huntington Beach Reiki, Santa Ana, California; Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist MeditationDisclosure Project), Jen B. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Enjoy an evening of meditation, Reiju ("attunement"), and Reiki energy healing. We start the evening with a very brief meditation then practice Reiki on each other, taking turns on the massage table.

The chakras are energy centers of the body.
The instructor attunes everyone during the healing session and is available to work with anyone who wishes. Groups of three form to alternate hands on healing.

This is a great time to meet others in the group and practice healing skills. For those who are new to Reiki, come enjoy a night of healing.

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