Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Limits of Language (Alan Watts)

Alan Watts via Healthy Minds, March 4, '21; Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What are the hidden assumptions behind our language and figuring, reading and 'rithmetic? The false dichotomy of mind and matter, brain and body, leads us to mistakes in our paradigm, our philosophical view of life and its meaning.

Alan Watts: Language and its Limits
(Healthy Minds) "The Limits of Language" full lecture, Parts I and II, by Alan Watts, the  renowned Western mystic and teacher of Eastern philosophy and esoterica.

I get In My Own Way along The Way or Tao
Watts has helped guide countless lives to peace and success. He's an inspirational, motivational speaker, delivering ancient Buddhist and other Eastern wisdom and esoteric knowledge in ways understandable to our Western assumptions, questioning them and turning them around.

How can we turn around and see our own head that's thinking about seeing? See? It runs away. We never get at it. We can hardly bite our own teeth or touch the tip of this finger with the tip of this finger. This is the principle.

The Indian founder of Hinduism, Shankara, explained this beautifully in his commentary on the Kena Upanishad, where he says, “That which is the knower – the ground of all knowledge – is never itself an object of knowledge, just as fire does not burn itself.”
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