Monday, May 20, 2024

Jimmy Dore stops smoking pot, stays clean

Jimmy, you're making a lot of sense. - Elon
For only the second time, standup comic and former hopeless pothead Jimmy Dore has had a spiritual awakening. This time it was prompted by quitting cannabis (THC) and reading New Age literature from the sound of it. His new focus? The collective unconscious or what Carl Jung talked about in terms of archetypes and consciousness, dreams and the deeper meaning of life. This may only be a phase. The good news? His sense of humor survived, and the The Jimmy Dore Show will continue bigger than ever. Due to some unbelievable good fortune, voiceover and comedian Mike MacRae .com is still onboard with the politician and celebrity impressions. (Where's Hillary Supporter? We want to hear from Hillary Supporter, weekly if possible, and can do with less of Al Pacino).

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