Thursday, July 11, 2024

How to sit IRISH ZEN: Body and Breath

Irish gal motivated to move to Japan, becomes Zen bodhisattvaMaura Soshin O'Halloran
Irish centre dedicated to Zen Buddhism opens
(RTÉ News) RTE is an Irish public broadcast service (Wiki) April 22, 2022: A dedicated centre for Zen Buddhism in the Republic of Ireland officially opens in Dublin city centre. The new sanctuary is located in the heart of Temple Bar, where Reverend Myōzan Kōdō, who has been practicing Zen Buddhism for decades, is the guiding teacher.

Zen Buddhism is a Japanese school of Buddhism with an emphasis on Shikantaza or "just sitting" meditation. It can be challenging for newer members because it involves sitting in silence for what may seem like a lengthy period [almost an hour, but often an eternity of 20 minutes]. Head monk at the Dublin Zen Centre Hōdo Gomoku said the practice grounds him, enabling him to "stay awake" in the world and sit in the moment.

Keep up to date with all the latest Irish and international news and current affairs with Follow us on twitter @rtenews and on Facebook: rtenews. RTÉ News

There's a time and place for joyful exertion.
Once upon a time there was a man who thought he knew better. He was going to muscle his way to meditation. Why listen to Zen Master 
Dōgen when you can just achieve the same thing by force of will and exertion, effort and strength of manly energy (viriya)? That man, let's call him "Doggone," found out.
  • Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind
    What happened, DG?
  • "Uh, I guess it's harder than it looks. Punching something is easy, benching your body weight is easy, screaming [and grunting] is easy. But relaxing, no, softening, no, staying quiet, no."
Now, maybe, you'll listen. Let's put an Irish spin on it. Once upon another time, there was a soft spoken but willful lass named Maura O'Halloran.

She was dissatisfied living in and around Boston. She was meant to do something in this life. So she traveled to Japan to go Zen. There she became "Soshin" and so impressed the Sensei (Zen teacher) that she was dubbed a Western bodhisattva.

How to Sit Zen, One: The Body
Zen Buddhism Ireland (
(Myozan KodoHow to Sit Zen is a series that begins with what to do with the body, our smart vehicle to awakening. Rather than overcoming it, we celebrate it and make it comfortable enough to relax but not so comfortable we are lulled into sleepiness or sluggishness. It's a fine balance. "Zen" means dhyan' or jhana, "meditative absorption." One need not set it as a goal or ambition, which could ruin it by creating expectations and stress. It is enough to relax, let go, and stay on the breath, which is the next step after understanding what we do with the body. Rev. Myozan Kodo is an instructor at Zen Buddhism Ireland (

"Lisa, can you teach me Japanese. I said, 'Hai, hai'!"

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