Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Taylor Swift endorses Kamala. Trump mad

Aww, thanks, girl. You finally took sides and chose me! - No, I just went against Trump.
Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris. Will it push her over the top?
And it finally happened: TayTay went Dixie
Kamala Devi Harris had a great night. She not only won the debate (even though she had a lot to answer for and many things someone better than Trump could have made much of), but now she got what Biden was never ever to get: Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift's political endorsement.

Girl power! Of course, it's a safe choice for T-Dog at this point. Even war criminals Dick and Bush back Kamala. It's like when Obama was (s)elected. Everyone in the know just got behind him out of nowhere, and we thought it was a momentous thing for a post-racial country.

(The Daily Show) Jon Stewart reviews the big debate
It's really about being joyful.
But the trick was on us. Obama, in spite of looking great in the part and being a worldclass orator, did many things Dick Cheney and G.W. Bush could only dream of doing and getting past the American people, like
  • the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act),
  • backed multiple wars,
  • did whatever the powers that be wanted,
  • argued against prosecuting past crimes (because they were in the past),
  • becoming "Deporter in Chief,"
  • lying with a straight face,
  • being married to a transgender man named Michael,
  • those things attorney Andrew D. Basiago said about him,
  • being gay and smoking crack and having the firsthand witness talking about it offed,
  • getting into a fight with a more recent lover then beating him to death with no questions asked.
Gay, philandering, drug addict Barry Obama?
Of course, it sounds preposterous, but when you're that deep in the Swamp, it's actually not that farfetched. Hillary and/or Bill Clinton had a man named Vince Foster killed, it is widely rumored. It's just the way Washington politics are played nowadays. In any case, RFK Jr. said it best: There goes whatever was left of the Party when even the incarnation of evil Dick Cheney is happy to back a pro-war candidate so that everything can stay the same as if Biden were fit enough to continue his puppet show.

Comic relief with G-Joe Biden
The Jimmy Dore Show (jimmydore.com) and the voice of MikeMacRae.com

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