Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What was first drink? Coffee, tea, wine?

Of course it has to be water, good old H2O, no, mother's milk, in a shot glass for comfort.
How old is the Mexican drink we call chocolate (xocolatl) cocoa from Theobroma cacao?

What was the first beverage?
Not gonna say water, right? Don't say water. Water is too obvious. Shoulda known it was water.

Tea party for Tara (Jetsun Dolma), Aztec cocoa?
(PBS Eons) When exactly did we start drinking other things and why? To find out, we have to look at the world’s oldest beverages – which are not what we expected.
How To: Mindful Drinking
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Should've stuck with water and milk, not fruit rot
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Find out more about prehistoric elephants: complexly.info/mammoths
  • PBS Eons, Sept. 3, 2024; CC Liu, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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