Friday, May 10, 2024

The afterlife is real: Life is a game? (NDE)

Man dies and learns we have it completely backwards! (unbelievable NDE)
(Life & Beyond) April 25, 2024: This is the near-death experience of Andy Petro, how he died and learned that we have it completely backwards! This unbelievable near-death experience reveals a deep truth about life. We take it so seriously when it is NOT at all what it seems. What is it? That's why we meditate, to find a real answer to this question. Is it a "simulation" of some kind? Is it real?

Atheist has NDE and changes mind
(Coming Home) Atheist dies and finds there IS life after death (NDE)

(Coming Home) April 11, 2024: Atheist Nancy Rynes shares the story of her near-death experience that happened during surgery after a car ran over her while she was riding a bicycle. 

The Kalama Sutra gave me faith in the Buddha
During her encounter on the Other Side, she describes experiencing a spiritual realm where a guide showed her the interconnectedness of all things, which helped her develop a new awareness of the impact her actions have on others. After returning to her body, she struggled to integrate her NDE into the rest of her life. Ultimately, she chose a path of spiritual awakening through practices such as meditation and gratitude.

She now helps others navigate their own spiritual journeys, recognizing the core purpose of learning to live from a place of love and compassion. Her true life story emphasizes the transformative power of NDEs and the pursuit of spiritual understanding amidst all life's challenges.

“I was learning to live from that soul level of awareness rather than just my human level of awareness”
- Nancy Rynes
How can we be sure NDEs are real?
Religion is a mess. Who believes?
We can hear many things, form concepts, adopt beliefs, but until we know-and-see for ourselves, we're relying on undependable things. The path to awakening has a phase of remembering our countless past lives. What are those memories? When one remembers them in all their details and sees trends and lessons lived over many lives in many places, not just this world, one gains a whole different view of life and comes to appreciate the need to make an end of rebirth if one would make an end of all suffering once and for all.

Life is a game, and everyone can win!
It does not much matter that we die because we are sure to live again again and again, in an unending cycle. How can we step off the carousel and awaken to the utmost? That is what the Buddha's Teaching, or Dharma, is for. In the meantime, an NDE characteristically has the consequence of losing all fear of death? How can that be? It's the scariest thing, isn't it? No, there are far scarier things, and rebirth is one of them. But most of us cannot imagine anything else. Fortunately, studying the Dharma can give rise to that knowledge-and-vision of what is real. #NearDeathExperience #NDE #afterlife
💥 Watch Next: Unbelievable NDE: Man's Eye-Opening Afterlife Experience - • Unbelievable NDE: Eye-Opening Afterli... 💥 Binge Watch: Near-Death Experience Playlist - • Near Death Experience (NDE) ✅ Divine Invocation Code - ('A 77 letter Invocation Prayer for Abundant Wealth and Prosperity, Trusted by the Elite 1%.) ✨⏰

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:39 Near-death experience: drowning
  • 03:05 Encounter with the Light (God?)
  • 09:27 Return to Earth and understanding
  • 11:10 How it changed him
In 1955, Andy Petro's life changed forever when he faced a near-death encounter. He was submerged in a freezing lake for 15 minutes before high school graduation. He struggled against the cold and cramps but, unfortunately, he drowned while attempting to reach his friends on a floating platform. However, before he took his last breath, he heard a voice urging him to let go, which ultimately led to a sudden release from pain and cold. As he witnessed his own body entangled in weeds, he was drawn towards a comforting light and reassured with the words, "Andy, don't be afraid; we love you." This story reminds us that we are not alone, even in the darkest moments. There is always hope, and love can guide us towards the light. #NearDeathExperience #NDE #afterlife

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