Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Adam 'n Eve's birthday: JuBu New Year

According to Judaism, today is the birthday of Adam and Eve, who were created 6,000 or so years ago by Gods (Elohim or the Gnostic's Demiurge) when this world was created. Adam's first wife was actually Lilith, say Jewish texts, and Eve is Adam's younger replacement wife. Happy birthday, Adam and Eve.

American JewBu
A "JuBu" or "Jew-Bu") is a Jewish-Buddhist. There are many, Asher, Noah, Michael, Sarah, Shauna, Sheldon, and it's time to celebrate the cultural inheritance. One can be two things. Judaism isn't much of a "religion" to most American Jews. It's an identity, a connection to family, a sense of a tie to humanity, plus a business network of helping each other to make mitvah$.

We must always remember that Zionism is not Judaism. Judaism is a relatively young religion drawing on much more ancient local traditions (Sumerian, Akkadian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Bedouin, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Byzantine, Ancient Greek paganism, and Roman Mithraism).

Who Rewrote the Bible? (Dr. Day)
We are told the popular myth that Jews existed from the beginning of the world, 6,000 years ago in mythical Eden (somewhere in Mandatory Palestine), and Christians came later with the arising of the semi-historical Nazarene Yeshua, who as Issa traveled to Buddhist Tibet and India with a Jewish merchant caravan, who became "Caesar's Messiah" by the Flavian rulers of Rome dipping into the ancient Greek writings of the Bible telling a tale of this tribe from Israel.

Bibi thinks he's the Messiah, but I am.
That's Judaism (with a remarkable parallel to the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism, which isn't but is by embracing the ancient Indus Valley Civilization and acting as a continuation of the super-ancient "Knowledge Books" called the Vedas. A religion can begin tomorrow then claim a lineage going back to Gobekli and Karahan Tepe -- and instantly, in a day, it suddenly becomes the "oldest religion in the world"?

No, of course not; yet, both Judaism by claiming all old stories from that region of the world and Hinduism claiming all ancient Sanskrit, Vedic, and Brahmanical texts as their own, they retroactively extend their lineage by thousands of years; Hinduism began with Sri Shankara centuries back systematizing many diverse and unrelated practices in India and around the Indus River Valley).

American JewBu (author

I'm secular, Don. - Bibi, I'm agnostic. - OK.
Zionism is a crazy movement regarded almost universally as crazy until recently, which seeks to seize a homeland through genocide or any means necessary as long as the USA provides diplomatic cover, illegal arms, and military protection on the world stage. To get a homeland in the geopolitical Middle East, it made a "deal with the Devil" and the devil is the West, namely the UK, US, and now EU. This position has become the norm because of Christian Zionists being convinced that we need to send the Jews away from the West back to the Old World locations of their joint Bible to bring about the Second Coming of nobody Jesus, the Jew Yeshua a failed messiah/Jesus the Christ the Creator of the Universe, depending on which lens one looks at him, a Christian or Jewish one).

These stories are all about us! We're The Tribe
Judaism may have its problems as a patriarchal, old-school, Sumerian and Mesopotamian appropriating Abrahamic religion, but many modern secular Jews from Europe and the West have little to do with the Old World religion and more to do with an ethnic identity and cultural history.

Scholars says Bible stories have their parallels or origins in similar Sumerian stories, but this researcher says that's not true. What to do? We must read the translations or texts ourselves to know. Of course, no one says they are exact. The stories differ but with so many striking details that match that they could not have arisen independently or by chance. That is the point. The stories handed down to us have been altered and inspired later writers with themes and their takes on those themes. Few scholars confirm Zecharia Sitchen's views, but that is not to say that he had no basis for what he was claiming about the Anunnaki and Nirbiru, gold mining and enslaved humans genetic engineered to work.

Jesus Live in India (Kersten)
Spirituality is so missing from the way they were raised in cosmopolitan liberalism, science, academia, and left leaning politics that Buddhism (particularly Tibetan lore, Zen ritual, and vipassana meditation) makes a lot of sense and has a lot of pull. Just as Issa, Isa, or Y'shua of Yudea (aka "Jesus of Nazareth") had spiritual longings and sought their fulfillment in the mysterious East, so many secular Jews today feel called to Tibet, Ladakh, Dharamsala, the Himalayas, India (the real "Holy Land"), and the Far East in search of spirituality and fulfillment.

Issa in India (Holger Kersten)
The Jews, tapping into anything that could be subsumed under the rubric of "Books of the Bible" (apocryphal texts, canonical texts, Old Testament, Septuagint, Torah, Talmud), most of which never made it to the KJV or canonical Christian scriptures. Judaism kept many writings, fortunately. Unfortunately, since the ancient past, it re-wrote them to be about themselves.

We find ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts, like the Epic of Gilgamesh, speaking of a guy we now call Noah of Noah's Arc fame. The story is much older.

So few people doing so much harm in the world

Agganna Sutta as allegory
The Buddha spoke of this phenomenon of mythology, history, and racial or collective memory carrying on long after people remember the original story. In the Agganna Sutta ("A Buddhist Genesis") the Buddha speaks of modern people in his time using expressions and customary sayings not seeming to have any idea how the sayings originated.

Similarly, the stories told in our (hegemonic) American are rooted in stories we do not even understand. We think we do. We have heard of them and read versions of them poorly translated from "The Bible" -- whatever collection of books, linguistic translation, and interpretation of terms we have decided that means -- and we now repeat them while scratching our heads at how stupid and nonsensical they sometimes seem outside the context of their Sumerian and Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Persian, Zoroastrian and Kabbalistic roots.

How did life on this earth begin?
Noah's Ark is one story we misunderstand and argue about, but a much sillier misinterpretation we bandy about is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the creation myth of the beginning of this world and our soured place in it.

Jews today, reading this archaic story reinterpreted from lifted sources by writers who that remade it about them, think today is Rosh Hashanah (New Year's Day, the "Head of the Year") and also Adam and Eve's birthday.
  • Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy); Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

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