Thursday, April 9, 2020

SUTRA: Supermoon over Seattle (video)

British astrophotographer Dawid Glawdzin (; Nateinthewild (; Ven. Piyadassi (trans.), Candima Sutta (Sn 2.9); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

For this timelapse video of the April 2020 supermoon, one photo was taken every five seconds for 640 total photos over a two hour period, using a Sony a7R iii, 200mm, f5.6. This is how Nate makes timelapse videos and show his work on This is the best time for the Buddhist lunar observance the Buddha called the uposatha.
Chandima Sutra: The Moon Deity's Prayer for Protection
Translated by Dhr. Seven based on Piyadassi Thera translation (Sn 2.9), Wisdom Quarterly

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One [the Buddha] was living near Savatthi, at Jetavana in the multi-millionaire Anathpindika's monastery.

At that time Candima (Canda, Candimasa, Chandra), the moon deity, was seized by Rahu, the titan (asura) chieftain. Then, calling to mind the Blessed One, Candima, the moon deity, recited this stanza:

i. "O Buddha, heroic and wholly free of wrongdoing, whom I adore, I have fallen into distress! I go to you for guidance!"

Thereupon the Blessed One addressed this stanza to Rahu, the titan chieftain, on behalf of Candima:

The planet Rahu seizes Sun and Moon in eclipses.
ii. "O Rahu, Candima has gone for guidance to the Tathagata [the Buddha, One Arrived at Suchness], the Wayfarer. Release Candima! The buddhas radiate compassion toward the world (of beings)."

Then Rahu, the titan chieftain, released Candima, the moon deity, and immediately came into the presence of Vepacitta, [another] titan chieftain, and stood beside him trembling with fear his hair standing on end. Vepacitta addressed Rahu in this stanza:

iii. "Why, Rahu, did you suddenly release Candima?
Why have you come trembling?
Why are you standing here terrified?"

"I have been spoken to by the Buddha in a stanza
(requesting me to release Candima).
If I had not released Candima
my head would have split into seven pieces.
While I yet lived, I would have had no happiness.
(Therefore, I released Candima)."

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