Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A magic trick for deep meditation

These breakthrough salesmen can get irritating. Everyone is offering a get rich scheme, rarely with any substance. But finally a longform commercial came across our surfing with some substance.

This trick offers real possibility. It was developed by mind expert Silva of the famous Silva Mind Control Method.

He is no longer with us. But his discoveries are being carried on by spiritual entrepreneur Vivek Lakhani of Mind Valley/ He shares this easy to grasp method to produce astonishing results.

Serene tranquility meditation is learning to let go and relax. It is close to the sleep state, but it is not sleep. The difference may be defined in terms of brainwaves. The conscious mind is very active, characterized by an alpha brainwave pattern. Beta is deeper and slower.

But if we cross our legs and sit to meditate, good luck letting go of the "monkey mind," thinking, distractions, the Five Hindrances (lust, annoyance, sleepiness, agitation, and skeptical doubt). Meditating soon becomes little more than the "chore" of bringing the mind back and beginning again and again.

Done incorrectly, we build up resentment, anger, and try to control things too much. Or we drift endlessly in discursive thoughts and fantasies. Or we pass out, particularly if we are sleep-deprived in our regular life. Nearly all of us are, and it never becomes so apparent.

If we persist, things get better. If we stay regular, it pays off. But good luck doing either. What we could use is a trick, a shortcut, a hack. Meditation instructors will say, "Don't bother with that. Stop grasping, setting up expectations, or thinking of it as a chore."

"Just sit. Just breathe. Just be." These things are easier said than done. Luck starts seeming like a real component because, due to past karma in previous lives, a few people are naturals. They take to sitting the way a stone duck in the shape of the Buddha takes to the mantle.

They let go, relax, and go deep. If the reader is such a person, carry on. There's no need to do anything more other than to persist in the practice, making it a twice daily habit until sitting for an hour at a time seems natural and comfortable.

If, however, the reader is not so luck, does not plunge into serenity, and is losing patience, what to do? Give up? Never. Try harder? No! That's a worse idea. Try easier. And the way toward that could be aided along by Silva's discovery. Fathom this.

When we wake up, most of us rush out of sleep, and this is done by checking our phone for our addictive dopamine hits.

Here is the fact. When we awaken, if we do not rush out of bed, we are still in a deeper brainwave state than our waking life, which is busy and exhausting. We awaken in beta.

The practice or self-training is this: When awakening, stay in bed for 5 minutes, emerge slowly, stay relaxed and quiet. But from now on for the next 30 days, sit up slowly into the meditation pose in bed. Stay in that pose for 5 minutes, while counting down (backward) from 100, 99, 98...all the way to 1.

The brain has something to do so it won't fall back asleep. Continue this for 10 days. On Day 11, count backward like before but this time from 50, 49, 48...all the way to 1, at the rate of about one count to one breath.

On Day 20, count down from 10 to 1: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Do over and over for those first five minutes after arising. What will happen?

A miracle will happen. And that miracle is this: We will have trained our minds -- in just 30 days -- to associate counting down from 10 to 1 to immediately put us in that relaxed beta state.

Now when we sit for meditation, we begin with a deep breath and counting down. By the time we hit 1, we are in alpha. How long did it take us to get there? Less than ten breaths. Now we can really enter a peaceful meditative state at will, effortlessly (or all the effort has already taken place during those 30 days of counting for five minutes in our waking calm). CONTINUED IN PART II
  • Part I: Meditation Instructor Seven, as told to Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Jen Bradford, Moon, Wisdom Quarterly, based on a Mind Valley commercial by Vivek Lakhani based on an idea, insight, and teaching by Jose Silva, author of Silva Mind Control

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