Thursday, June 20, 2024

1st Day of Summer: Summer Solstice (6/20)

What we call "Stonehenge" is really a reconstruction set up by cranes and heavy equipment.
Take that, Big Oil! You're ruining the environment, and this orange cornstarch proves it! (CND)

VIDEO: Environmental activists spray Stonehenge with orange corn powder | Coast to Coast

It's time for Buddhist Summer School 2024
It's finally the first day of summer, after wildfires, heat waves, earthquakes, volcanos in Hawaii and Mexico, and more political nonsense than one can comfortably fathom.

Unofficial summer began on Labor Day a few weeks ago. But the Sun (Sol, Surya) and Earth (Gaia, Bhumi) do not decide, and not even Moon (Luna, Soma, Chandra) has the final say.

It is Gregorian Calendar reading humans making our social constructs that decide, but somewhere high above in the arrangement of celestial bodies, we move from a wet spring to a grass-filled summer. There will be flames. The big first wildfire has ruined our Summer Solstice and Full Strawberry Moon Ceremony and postponed it indefinitely. (Disclosure Project Meetup) was all set to go off as a three-day festival this weekend. But the Post Fire in nearby Gorman forced it to be scrapped to avoid smoke and ash irritation, heat, and injury if it kicked up again, sparing tens of thousands of party people around the Castaic Lake Lagoon 40 minutes west of Downtown Los Angeles out by Magic Mountain.

Instead, there's a much smaller free vegan potluck party at Oh Happy Days Cosmic Cafe above Pasadena on Saturday, June 22, 2024 ( Or enjoy the Summer Solstice at Kinship Yoga on Friday night, 6/21/24 in Highland Park (NELA) with Ryan and Stellar.

Like California, Arizona is in the Southwest US
Anything's better than staying in Arizona, the Land of Sun and Sand. the summer gods are not happy so they're scorching the land. Get out, unless you're at ASU. In that case, alkalinize with a mostly raw, green, fresh diet to avoid burning. Acidity gives way to quick sun damage.

Summer Solstice Party — (

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