Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vegan party: solstice, full moon ceremony

The full Strawberry Moon is waxing in the east and will reach maximum this week

Welcome the Summer Solstice and Full Moon
The Post Fire in Gorman has caused the postponement. So we are celebrating the Summer Solstice and Full Strawberry Moon above Pasadena.

The location of the party is through the Cosmic Breezeway into Oh Happy Days Vegan Cafe on Lake Avenue, Altadena, LA.

This FREE VEGAN POTLUCK PARTY features live music, meditation, singalong chanting, and socializing with good company with Mc Cody and crew.

Party is on, but three-day festival postponed due to fire

Why is June’s full moon called the “Strawberry Moon”?
The Indigenous Algonquian and Ojibwe cultures nicknamed this full moon the Strawberry Moon because it marks the month when strawberries are ripe and ready for picking in the northeastern USA. In Europe, people call it the Honey Moon because June is when honey was typically ready to harvest.

“The tradition of calling the first month of marriage the ‘honeymoon’ may be tied to this full moon because of the custom of marrying in June,” wrote NASA’s Gordon Johnston in a blog post. June’s Summer Solstice Strawberry Moon (

What was DisclosureFest going to be?
Laura Eisenhower
When did DisclosureFest begin? Years ago, Adrian and his spiritual business partner were on the radio (Coast to Coast with guest host Jimmy Church) talking about bringing a FREE Burning Man, Coachella, Woodstock festival of music, yoga, vegan food, ecstatic dance, yoga, and ET/UFO disclosure to Los Angeles.

What is the disclosure? We're not alone.
Where could it be held? How about a cornfield in DTLA, next to an art colony, by historic Chinatown under the elevated Metrorail train? Yes!

They talked the City of Los Angeles into it, and it went off without a hitch. Eventually, it got so big it moved to Las Vegas like most music festivals eventually do. (There are fewer regulations and hassles there).

See the spectacular Full Moon Ceremony like they have in Buddhist Phuket, Thailand

Founder Adrian, spiritualized nerd
The pandemic slowed it down. But it's a year-round series of initiatives. It centers around the Mass Meditation Initiative as its center with sound baths and other healings.

This year the fest it is at the Castaic Lake Lagoon in northwestern LA County, 40 minutes from DTLA, out past Magic Mountain. Castaic is a reservoir along the 5 Freeway. It's three days full of music, workshops, yoga, and speakers  Stairway to the Stars including these notables:

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