Wednesday, June 19, 2024

US cancels Netanyahu after his 'attack' video

Wanna play hardball, Bibi? Don't criticize! - I'm sorry, Joe, but the CIA and I think DT for 2024.
US cancels a high-level meeting with Zionist-Jewish Israelis after Netanyahu releases "attack" video on arms aid and weapons freezes.

A high-level meeting between Israeli officials and American arms dealers has been scrapped after PM Bibi Netanyahu accused the US of withholding free military weapons and more financial aid.

Campaign donations can fix everything, Bibi.
Genocide Joe's White House has cancelled a meeting that was scheduled for Thursday (6/20/24) between high-level US and Israeli officials after Prime Minister Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu launched into a televised tirade claiming Washington was withholding key military aid it needs to "finish the job [of genocide] in Gaza."

Capitalist US arms exports surge 23%
Citing two US officials, American news site Axios reported that the US-Israeli meeting was cancelled after Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday that criticizes the Biden administration for denying [gratuitous military supplies to International Court of Justice war criminals in Israel, calling it "military assistance" and "aid" it needs to kill off the civilian Palestinian population of Gaza and its "Arab problem"].

VIDEO: Israel's genocide on Gaza live updates: Meeting canceled after Bibi criticizes US (ABC)
I want you back, Buddy. - Send me AIPAC $$
The premier implied this was slowing Israel's genocidal offensive in Rafah in the southern portion of the tiny and formerly overpopulated Gaza Strip, where the Zionist-Jewish assault has exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation for Palestinians in the besieged and bombed-out territory.

Bibi's boisterous and offensive video reportedly enraged US Pres. Joe "Genocide" Biden's top advisers. 

Grandchild Finnegan Biden makes out with Grandad
[The president himself is unaware of much of anything or anyone but young children and sexy grandchild Finnegan Biden who are brought around his home and bedroom in the White House.]

"This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts," one US official told Axios.

[But more money and weapons for war are guaranteed by the Democrats with their pro-Israel bias and Republicans and their Evangelical fundamentalist Zionist-Christian supporters with their flagrant pro-Israel bias. This cancellation is just a counter-stunt.]

I'll show you my b*tch hand, Joe Rock!
[In fact, all overt and covert weapons and money promised to Israel so far are on their way as scheduled, with one exception, which the US told the Israeli military would be delayed. US Warlord Blinken insists US is sending weapons to Israel ‘normally' after Netanyahu criticism.]

Blinken: We'll give you more! Don't criticize Joe.
[So the White House really doesn't know why Bibi had the audacity to pull this slap in the face. Does he think he's Will Smith and his boy Genocide Joe is Black on Juneteenth? Likely, this is all a stunt by the Biden White House to appeal to young voters that he is finally standing up to the Jewish-Israeli war crimes he's been funding.] US cancels meeting

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