Friday, June 14, 2024

Alex Jones, financially ruined, cries on TV

Alex Jones can't stop screaming [but will he stop crying?] (
(Last Week Tonight) HBO's John Oliver takes a hilarious deep dive into the legend of the QAnon troll

Alex Jones finally agrees to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families
(The Young Turks) June 7, 2024: TYT Clip of the Day, Hour 1: Alex Jones will liquidate his personal assets, including his stake in his company InfoWars, to pay a minute fraction of his $1.5 billion in damages the court says he owes to Sandy Hook families. John Iadarola, David Shuster, and Wosny Lambre discuss on The Young Turks, which is begging for donations:

As bad as it sounds, as much schadenfreude as some may be experiencing, Jones is still in business. His personal assets are to be liquidated. Everything he hid in his businesses or put elsewhere are fine and safe. InfoWars will continue. Prison Planet will continue. Everything will continue just like before, except that a few million from Jones' many millions will be distributed like 9/11 insurance money to people who played along or were harmed.

UPDATE: Alex Jones ordered to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families [for hurting their feelings]
(CBS Evening News) June 14, 2024: Bigmouth conspiracy theorist and "InfoWars" host Alex Jones was today (6/14/24) ordered by a federal judge in Texas to liquidate his personal assets in order to pay the approximately $1.5 billion in damages he owes the families of victims of the [government's false flag] 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting, who sued him over [what the court has determined are] his false claims that the school shooting was a hoax [no matter what the evidence says. After all, this is an emotional issue, not a trial over what the government did or did not do]. Omar Villafranca has the latest.

Patriotic passion for poor gay frogs
Send me lots of your money.
Who in the world is Alex Jones? Here, the mystery is revealed about InfoWars and Prison Planet's capitalist Christian hero, with a Jewish wife and a family able to move to Israel at any moment, super patriot, former Trump supporter, hater of all evil except some, US government critic, fat manly man and promoter of paramilitary survival and lover of police and food, it's the extreme salesman Alex Jones. His defense in court was that his entire demeanor was a character, an act, and that everyone knew that and did not take him seriously if he questioned false flag operations like the alleged Sandy Hook school shooting and other conspiracy theories. So while he continues to make money, he did not stand by his previous claims.

Alex Jones co-hosts go silent as he breaks down over Infowars shutdown
(Russell Brand) Alex Jones breaks down in tears as he claims federal authorities are getting ready to shut down his studio. Support directly: WATCH LIVE weekdays on Rumble: All links: Sponsor: Turn to Tax Network USA at (800) 245-6000 or visit

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