Friday, March 11, 2022

Science finds horse paste Ivermectin works

Jimmy Dore (TJDS), Mike MacRae, Lee Camp; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

Ha ha, if you like meds, you must like Trump!
Did our brave comedians -- the last hope for truth telling -- tell us the unpopular truth in their comics? Or did they buy into and promote Big Pharma's lie, PR talking point, and propaganda that a cure (a safe and widely used antiparasitic) was nothing but worthless and even dangerous "horse paste" dewormer? Comics promoted the corporate-profiteering myth that the valuable human medicine Ivermectin (now off-patent and therefore not profitable to a single private firm) worked far better than Remdesivir and other treatments like zinc supplements, anti-inflammatories and clinical interventions banned as "cures" or even viable treatments. Ivermectin works. It always did. And they knew even beforehand, when the data was buried and they were concocting a "plandemic" with no cure other than billions upon billions in experimental Big Pharma injections and emergency-use authorizations to get a list of chemicals in our bodies and some GMO technology that tells our cells what to do rather than Louis Pasteur-style immunization or vaccination or prevention. Even the queen of England was given it, not to mention Joe Rogan and other multi millionaires who can afford to induce their doctors to prescribe it, as it leads to trouble with the AMA.

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