Sunday, October 9, 2022

Let's do heroin in hell: Afghanistan (doc) Documentary Oct. 3, 2022; Amber Larson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Kabul: Rehab Hell
( Documentary) Since the CIA/ISI's creation called the "Taliban" retook Kabul [thought by Indian historian Dr. Ranajit Pal to be one of the seasonal capitals of the Shakyians/Scythians, collectively called Kapilavastu, where the Buddha grew up] in August 2021, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated considerably.

Afghanistan [ancient Gandhara] remains the world's largest producer of opium (derived from the poppy flower pod), and the country also suffers from high rates of addiction.

The [Holy Muslim] Taliban is trying to rid the [formerly Buddhist] country of heroin addicts, with particularly brutal methods. Kabul: Rehab Hell | Documentary 🗓 Available until the 6/30/25.

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