Monday, November 13, 2023

It's not WW3: Russia bombs Israel's neighbor

Putin's military attacks Israel neighbor Syria's rebels amid U.S hits on 'Iranian' sites | Israel's War on Gaza
(Hindustan Times) Nov. 13, 2023: Russian forces killed at least 34 fighters during air strikes in Syria’s Idlib province, reported Reuters citing Russian news agency Interfax. The Russian strikes, which reportedly also injured 60 fighters, came amid U.S. retaliatory bombardments in Syria. U.S. forces came under attack over its support for Israel's war in Gaza. #israel #russia #hamas

‘Washington is playing with fire’ and could ignite whole region w/ Mike Prysner
(BreakThrough News) Nov. 13, 2023: The United States military has deployed a nuclear submarine to the Middle East, on top of its massive military buildup in the region amid Israel's genocidal campaign in Palestine. Mike Prysner, an Iraq war veteran, host of Eyes Left Podcast, and a producer for The Empire Files, discusses the implications of the US making preparations for a wider, regional war in the Middle East. #BreakThroughNews

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