Sunday, December 24, 2023

Reason for the Season: Xmas before Christ

These customs are mirrored in Asia with Budai Bodhisattva (a rotund Buddhist monk) the "fat happy Buddha" giving small gifts or candy from a sack he carries around in his jolliness.

Christmas before Christ: Yule and other Northern European traditions
(Fortress of Lugh) Let's take a look at Slavic, Baltic, Celtic, and Germanic Yuletide (Christmastime) traditions and their similarities and origins, with a special focus on Yule, as well as the nature of Santa Claus [the magic mushroom shaman of the Sami, the Native Swedes, distributing the Amanita muscaria harvest distributed among villagers living in yurts and with chimneys being the door/entrance where the shaman would come in, give out the mushrooms which needed to be dried and so were put in stocking and hung over the fire to dehydrate].

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  • Fortress of Lugh, 12/15/21: Pat Macpherson, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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