Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sex talk with the Dalai Lama (video)

Controversy of the Dalai Lama's innocent "young boy play" or homosexual child grooming?

Buddhist sex partner or consort tradition for nirvana with the Dalai Lama

How feel about rabbi touch boys? - Excuse me?
(Markham X དམར་ཁམས་ ཧ་) The clergy member (the Western Tibetan Buddhist nun Tenzin Palmo) here questions the current Dalai Lama. She is a British nun based in England. The patriarch acts coy.

She presses him on how Tibetan monks can abuse their disciples using "crazy wisdom" as their excuse or theory behind their misbehavior.

The Dalai Lama, while not putting his tongue in a young boy's mouth for fun, ends up ridiculing her instead of standing behind her and her concern.
  • This tulku's pope allow it?
    [Are we Westerners too uptight, too concerned with something as trivial as sexual exploitation, abuse, or homosexual play? There's that concerning moment in the Tibetan movie Unmistaken Child where a Tibetan monk fondles the private parts of the child on screen, laughing as if the young boy has no idea how much gay fun he is going to have growing up as a lama, learning to fear and avoid females, while growing ever closer to older men and maybe even finding a nice pederasty position, not that that is ever spoken of in public. What are we, Puritans?]
I love boys very much, girl also, tongues soft.
The Dalai Lama has no objection with self-proclaimed Tibetan "Living Buddhas" sexually abusing their white female disciples on the pretext that "tantric sex" is a good way to gain quick nirvana or sudden enlightenment...

The Dalai Lama himself recounts an incident when he was asked by a [hot] blonde, white nun to provide him [her?] an "empowerment" of the third kind, meaning tantric sex, so that she could get into nirvana fast and furiously.

And now for a Jedi mind trick. No one believe such things I do. Believe your lying eyes?
You protect me in international criminal court, right Bushy? - Right, Dolly, and here's a painting.
Tibetan "Living Buddhas" such as abusive sex-cult leader Chogyam Trungpa [formerly a rinpoche who disrobed to marry a child from England as well as his accused rapist son, Master Sakyong Mipham, he left his Shambhala Buddhist lineage to be pope-king of run who then went on to sexually abuse many nearly bringing the organization/cult to financial ruin] and lusty Sogyal Rinpoche have abused white Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners since as early as the freewheeling 1960s in the name of a bizarre "crazy wisdom" practice as if they were intending to be Milarepa.

The Dalai Lama [like the current pope dealing with child molester Catholic priests in either Latin America or Rome] failed to condemn the acts of such scum.

Dalai Lama backlash for telling boy to suck him
The Dalai Lama says, "Once you decide to be with a Dharma teacher for 12 years, and later you find that he is sexually abusive towards you, you should keep a distance from him/her instead of reporting him/her to the police [that might arrest him/her and embarrass us and all of Mahayana Buddhism and cost us money in a lawsuit that airs out our dirty laundry]."

But is keeping a "distance" enough? Rape, child molestation, and sexual abuse are all illegal, and whoever abuses another deserves a jail sentence instead of some "distance."
  • That why Chinese soldier kill my lamas?
    Buddhist monks, nuns, lamas, and rinpoches are all bound by rules of celibacy (in accordance with the Pratimoksha and Monastic Disciplinary Rules or Vinaya boundaries laid down by the historical Buddha). Celibacy, if violated, means one is instantly (before any proceedings or conviction or even before anyone else finds out about it) and irreversibly not a Buddhist monk anymore (meaning one cannot be re-ordained in this lifetime). But if one wants to say or have people believe that he is now a "Living Buddha" who sets his own rules, that sounds like an additional "defeat" (parajika) offense of lying about attainments (the fourth of the four defeat offenses) no one is enforcing.
Don't ask, don't tell, right, Dolly? They just want $$
But then what if these [white female] disciples know everything and act to seduce monks [against their will just] so that they can later bring lawsuits against them in order to get some money?

You never know... So the Dalai Lama is cautious and doesn't fall on either side of the gender debate, male or female [rapist or victim, Tibetan "Living Buddha" or disciple, defeated monk guilty of sexual contact or innocent student].
  • [Sophistry:] Q. 3: Why Vajrayana practice needs female consort? [And will little boys do, you know, for practice before one is able to talk a white woman into it?] Of course, what the teacher is explaining could be true, but who is judging whether or not one is "bound by afflictions" but oneself? So self-deception allows one to have sex while saying, "I'm above desire." Oh, this erection? It's compassion. It's a selfless act. How could you even question me, Tantrika? - OK.
  • MarkhamX1100, March 31, 2020; CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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