Saturday, November 2, 2024

Greens: NO to genocide, NO to Kamala

No one wants to see a corrupt narcissist, dummy in adult diapers, prison-bound criminal win, but who could want the Democrats' status quo war candidate? With two bad choices, say no to war. Why are Jill Stein, Jimmy Dore, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and others opposed to Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party? The Cheneys and Clintons support her. That should be enough to disqualify a candidate. If a third party cannot win, at least it can disrupt and derail genocide supporters.

"Bohemian Trumpsody" - Marsh Family adapts "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
(Marsh FamilyWOKING. With the polls so tight a week out, the family decided to revisit U.S. Election Day politics one last time, to have an ambitious stab at building a parody around one of the greatest rock songs ever written.

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Freddy Mercury was the inimitable mock opera lead single from the album A Night at the Opera released in 1975. It was a monstrous production, created across eight generations of 24-track tape and with hundreds of overdubs, complex layered harmonies, subsections, and aural innovations.

The (New) Village People sing about Trump on Epstein Island

At its core are the spectacular vocals of Freddie Mercury – one of the finest singers ever in top form. It has been parodied so many times, including an iconic version by the Muppets (which the kids loved and grew up with), and it’s been twisted to fit subjects from the menopause to coronavirus.

But the chosen subject is the willingness of so many decent people to hold their nose and -- likely -- vote for a madman, a mockery of everything good, D'John Trump in the forthcoming presidential election.

We know we’ve sung about it twice already, and the family doesn’t live or vote in the USA. But the whole world has a stake in this election. And it’s a place that wants to remain a free world, at least for now.

We chose not to riff off the many daft claims, stories, or issues (the cat ladies and edible cats and dogs), but just to try to cut to the fundamentals and think about behaviors, facts, values, and history. Some of the footage is from the U.S. congressional hearings.
  •, 11/1/24; Marsh Family, Oct. 28, 2024; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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