Declaring serenity: Jhana mudra (hand signal) as yoga exercise and meditation aid
Come Explore the Meditative Absorptions
A four-week meditation retreat, led by Ven. Dhammadipa"Ven. Dhammadipa is a highly gifted meditation teacher who has trained in both samatha ("serenity") and vipassana ("insight") meditation under eminent teachers in Sri Lanka and Burma. He is skilled in teaching both Westerners and Asians"
-- Bhikkhu Bodhi
This November (1 - 29) 2008, Ven. Dhammadipa will lead a retreat focused on serenity meditation and the development of the Jhana states ("absorptions").
The Jhanas are meditative attainments. They are also known as "absorptions" and "samadhi." Tehy are held by many to be an essential part of the Buddhist path, vital for sharpening and stilling the mind to provide a foundation for the vipassana (insight) meditation practice leading to liberation.
Born in Czechoslovakia, Ven. Dhammadipa is a world-renown meditation teacher, with a deep understanding of meditation in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. In 1987, he received traditional Theravada ordination in Sri Lanka, where he practiced meditation under Ven. Nanarama Mahathera. In 1989, he received ordination as a Mahayana monk in Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles. In 1996, he practiced meditation with the meditation master Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw in Myanmar, and is considered by the Sayadaw to be the first of his Western disciples qualified to teach meditation. Over the past ten years, Ven. Dhammadipa has taught meditation at Western and Asian monasteries and universities around the world.
Born in Czechoslovakia, Ven. Dhammadipa is a world-renown meditation teacher, with a deep understanding of meditation in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. In 1987, he received traditional Theravada ordination in Sri Lanka, where he practiced meditation under Ven. Nanarama Mahathera. In 1989, he received ordination as a Mahayana monk in Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles. In 1996, he practiced meditation with the meditation master Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw in Myanmar, and is considered by the Sayadaw to be the first of his Western disciples qualified to teach meditation. Over the past ten years, Ven. Dhammadipa has taught meditation at Western and Asian monasteries and universities around the world.
The retreat will start on Saturday morning, November 1, and will end Saturday afternoon, November 29. Participants may join the retreat by arriving any Friday evening, October 31, November 7, 14, or 21, and may stay for one, two, three, or four weeks.
The retreat will start on Saturday morning, November 1, and will end Saturday afternoon, November 29. Participants may join the retreat by arriving any Friday evening, October 31, November 7, 14, or 21, and may stay for one, two, three, or four weeks.
Chuang Yen Monastery, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512
Chuang Yen Monastery, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512
Each day of the retreat will include intensive seated samatha meditation practice, walking meditation, yoga, and personal interviews with Ven. Dhammadipa. During the retreat, Ven. Dhammadipa will also give Dharma talks. The Dharma talks will include meditation instruction and teachings on the significance of the Four Elements for profound understanding of meditation. Dharma talks will be given in English, with a summary in Chinese if needed.
Each day of the retreat will include intensive seated samatha meditation practice, walking meditation, yoga, and personal interviews with Ven. Dhammadipa. During the retreat, Ven. Dhammadipa will also give Dharma talks. The Dharma talks will include meditation instruction and teachings on the significance of the Four Elements for profound understanding of meditation. Dharma talks will be given in English, with a summary in Chinese if needed.
Meditators of all ages are invited to attend. Each participant should be able to sit comfortably in meditation for one hour.
Meditators of all ages are invited to attend. Each participant should be able to sit comfortably in meditation for one hour.
Because Chuang Yen monastery is run on the basis of donations, it welcomes your donation to help cover its costs for hosting this retreat. However, those with limited financial resources are most welcome, even if they cannot make a donation.
Because Chuang Yen monastery is run on the basis of donations, it welcomes your donation to help cover its costs for hosting this retreat. However, those with limited financial resources are most welcome, even if they cannot make a donation.
Alan Mills, alan.mills@earthlink.net, (617) 332-1046
Reverend Sudharma, bauscym@aol.com, (845) 225-1819, ext. 115
Alan Mills, alan.mills@earthlink.net, (617) 332-1046
Reverend Sudharma, bauscym@aol.com, (845) 225-1819, ext. 115
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