"Sainthood" (enlightenment) in Buddhism simply means someone who has attained one of the paths and fruits (magga-phala) as a stream-enterer, once returner, non-returner, or Arhat. These are the progressive stages of enlightenment. One may, or may not, in addition possess magical powers or any ability to teach whatsoever; these are separate attainments.

Dipa Ma, a Buddhist meditation teacher from Bangladesh and Calcutta, India visits the American vipassana teacher Sujata in his San Francisco apartment. Joseph Goldstein (Insight Meditation Society and the Forest Refuge retreat center in Barre, MA where she also visited) accompanied her. In this short video she tours the kitchen, has lunch, and conducts an interview with a small group of students.
This is rare footage. Anagarika Munindra was her main teacher in India and Burma. And the entire DVD with additional footage may be found at http://www.begintosee.com/. Download or watch the full length (40 minutes) of this video on Google Video. Footage of Dipa Ma as well as films by Jack Kornfield have now been posted.
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