Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Dalai Lama 2021 Compassion Summit (10/14)

Sujata's gratitude and offering to a tree spirit
Welcome to The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2021.

Discover the transformative power of compassion, as exemplified by the Dalai Lama, with teachings and meditations from 20+ experts in this worldwide free online event.

Let's learn how to become more compassionate, loving, and gentle towards ourselves.

Find the courage and conviction to fearlessly act with compassion in all areas of our lives.

Compassion has the power to unite us, to bring out the best in us, and to offer a vision of hope for the future.

Join this special opportunity to let the power of compassion blossom in the heart and help change the world.

Look beneath fear, anger, and alienation to uncover our interconnectedness and a deeper love for the world we share.

  • 20 inspiring teachers
  • 5 days of transformative insights and practices
  • 30+ talks, meditations, and reflections
Gain free access to this unprecedented online summit and explore the Dalai Lama’s transformative message of compassion.

The Transformative Power of Compassion
What is compassion? Let's kick off by considering the basics of developing compassion and asking why it’s such an important quality.

Discover insights into universal responsibility and explore why compassion holds the key to happiness in a suffering world.

The Summit at a Glance
Sign up now and download Teachings on Compassion from the Dalai Lama — a free 35 page e-book.

Compassion for the Earth
As a species, we are faced with enormous collective challenges with an urgent need to reimagine our societies as life-sustaining, regenerative, and equitable. Compassion is essential for all of this. We look at sources of support for dreaming a new world into being, with wisdom from indigenous shamanic practices and our own bodies as a basis for sustainable action.

The Science of Compassion
Explore how Buddhist monks and modern scientists are working together to discover how meditation and ethical practices can literally change our minds, and our realities. We’ll hear details of exciting new insights from the worlds of neuroscience and psychology, exploring compassion through a lens where science and spirituality meet. 

The Compassionate Society
Current events have shown a desperate need for more compassionate systems – from government to the judiciary to employment. What can we do to address the damage that social injustice and discrimination do to our societies? And what values should we promote in their place?

Compassion in our Daily Lives
All our highest aspirations are tested in the day-to-day business of living – in our families and friendships, our workplaces and communities. We look at how developing self-compassion and radical self-love is crucial to making our dream of compassionate action a reality.

"Simply meditating or praying for change is not enough. There has to be action."
-The 14th Dalai Lama

"The way to accomplish happiness in the world is to do meaningful work in one's own life, with a positive motivation that sees all people and all traditions as equal."
-The 14th Dalai Lama

"Ultimately, humanity is one, and this small planet is our only home. If we are to protect this home of ours, each of us needs to experience a vivid sense of universal compassion."
-The 14th Dalai Lama

Here's what participants in the Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2020 had to say:

I want to send my INFINITE GRATITUDE to every single person who made this extraordinary event possible. Thanks to all of the wonderful speakers for all their teachings and for sharing their time and life with all of us around the world.

Thank you from my heart to yours, for a wonderful summit! I learned much and feel restored, hopeful for our country, and for the planet. The summit was a reminder for me that we are not alone on the planet, that many beautiful, enlightened souls are here at this time.

I take this opportunity to thank Lion's Roar and Tibet House US, for making this array of incredible teachings available to us. It has been amazing, certainly life enriching!

Thank you or the stellar speakers and such meaningful content. My happiness level has risen to new heights listening to each speaker. There is much to be learned and shared!

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