Monday, October 11, 2021

Zuni Native elder wisdom: Star People (video)

Zuni Tribal Elder Clifford Mahooty (Ancient Secret Discoveries, Oct. 6, 2021); edited by Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
"Woodland fairies" (Buddhist bhumi devis) are real and some, but not all, come from space.

Native American elder describes contact with spiritual entities and Star People
We can learn a great deal about the people of ancient earth from the indigenous tribes such as the Puebloan Zuni from the Four Corners, USA.

The stars are full of tribes and sky-gods.
Indigenous people have continuously lived in select regions of the planet for tens of thousands of years.

After decades of silence, a handful of elders are again describing the ways and technologies of the original people.

Some of the traditions describe the sacred land of Lemuria (Mu) and the wisdom keepers.

Clifford Mahooty presents his Zuni tribal teachings including its oral history, religion, rituals, kachinas, spiritual practices, and how they relate to star people and spiritual beings.

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