Friday, October 8, 2021

Pandora Papers: How the RICH screw the 99%

The Pandora Papers: How the world of offshore finance is still flourishing
(Australia's ABC News In-depth, Oct. 4, 2021) In a major international investigation, Four Corners reveals the secrets of the "Pandora Papers," nearly 12 million pages dug up by an international alliance of journalists, producing documents that prove countless financial and tax-evasion crimes.

For months more than 600 journalists from around the world, including the ABC [Australian Broadcasting Corporation], The Washington Post, and the BBC, have been working with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on this top-secret investigation.

One of the biggest data leaks in history, the papers reveal how the wealthy and powerful are continuing to use offshore tax havens to evade paying taxes, stash cash, and hide their ownership of assets -- despite attempts to rein the industry in.

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