Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Spooky audio for the unHolidays

Spooky Podcasts (KFI/iHeartRadio); Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
The Grateful Dead's official graphic novel comes to life | Datebook (

Hungry ghosts depicted in old Japanese art
Buddhism has scary ghost stories collected in an ancient text call the Petavatthu.

Petas are "hungry ghosts," the departed, beings suffering deprivations of not having enough nourishment, clothing, shelter and other basics due to their previous unskillful karma (intentional actions) in past lives.

They can be benefitted by the living, who can turn them into the "grateful dead" by doing good deeds on their behalf over which they might rejoice -- and thereby do good mental karma (deeds), opportunities not available to them in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. How?

We can transfer merit to them.

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