Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Devil tempts Sariputra's sister (sutra)

Bhikkhu Bodhi (BAUS), Upacala Sutta (SN 5.7); Dhr. Seven, Ananda (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Discourses of the Ancient Nuns, Bhikkhuni-Samyutta (
I would kick Mara's @$$ right out of here.
Setting at Savatthi. Then, in the morning, the Buddhist nun Ven. Upacala [the sister of Ven. Sariputra] dressed...and she sat down at the foot of a tree for the day's abiding in meditation.

Then Mara the Evil One approached [the fully enlightened nun] Ven. Upacala and said to her: "Where do you wish to be reborn, nun?"

"I do not wish to be reborn anywhere, friend."

Mara is Death, a "devil" (mara), in many guises
There are the World of the Thirty-Three and Yama devas,
And shining ones of the Tusita realm,
Direct your mind there
And you shall experience delight.

There are World of the Thirty-Three and Yama devas,
And shining ones of the Tusita realm,
Devas who take delight in creating,
And devas who exercise control.
They are still bound by this sensual trap.
They come again under Mara's control.

All the world is burning up,
All the world is ablaze,
All the world is quaking.

That which does not quake or blaze,
That to which worldlings do not resort,
Where there is no place for Mara:
That is where my mind delights.

Then Mara the Evil One realized, "The nun Upacala knows me." Sad and disappointed, he disappeared then and there.

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