Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Weed overdose? Big Pharma to solve problem

Johnny Rice (Benzinga Ovia, Oct. 13, 2021); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly
Gummy bears and cannabis edibles and flower buds (Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash)
How Anebulo Pharmaceuticals is working to solve a growing marijuana overdose problem
Is overdosing even possible with flowers? Yes.
Many people today remain unaware of the risks an overdose of marijuana carries.

In fact, some people don’t believe overdosing on cannabis to be possible. For many, even talking about marijuana overdose conjures up images of disingenuous scare-tactic campaigns from the days of old. 

But while it’s true that responsible marijuana use is an enjoyable way for many to relax or socialize, overdosing is, in fact, very real.  The medical term for it is “acute cannabinoid intoxication,” and it carries with it some nasty side effects including psychomotor impairment, agitation, and psychosis.

In a recent survey of 50 U.S. emergency room physicians, it was found that on average, each doctor saw 173 cases of acute cannabinoid intoxication per year. Last year saw 1.7 million emergency department visits in the U.S. alone for cannabis-related issues. And this number is growing rapidly — by as much as 15% every year.

The growth is spurred on in large part by the increasing progress made towards legalization. The change has been swift. While remaining illegal in many states, recreational cannabis use is rapidly being decriminalized and made legal in many others.

On November 6, 2012, Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. In September 2021, marijuana is legal in 18 states and decriminalized in 13 more.

The Path to Better Cannabis Wellness
With legalization comes a new swath of products that pose a particular danger to children. Edible gummies and candies are colorful and attractive to kids, and many have wound up ingesting them when they believed they were eating a regular snack. More

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